Posts from 2023
Zone number 5 will be hosting a potluck in the church basement on Sunday, January 7, at noon. All guests and visitors are warmly invited to join us. In addition, any church members who would like a place for a noon meal are welcome to join us and bring a dish to pass.
Save the Date for Youth Camp
Our 31st annual Youth Camp will take place, Lord willing, July 9–12, 2024, at beautiful Camp Michawana in Hastings, Michigan. The theme will be “Biblical Instruction for Godly Living”. All those entering into 10th grade through age 22 are heartily welcome!
Young Adults Caroling
The Young Adults Group will be going Christmas Caroling on December 14. We will meet at church at 6:30 p.m. Please RSVP to Phil or Emily Kamp.
Christ’s Treasures
“We have shown already that [Christ’s] treasures are bottomless, boundless, unfathomable, inexhaustible, never to be wasted or spent. O soul, come to Christ as such a one. Measure not Christ’s gold by thy bushel nor His plenty by thy poverty. Think not thy debts too great for Christ to pay because thou knowest not where to get money of thy own. Think not thy straits too…
December Esther Guild Project
In this holiday season, we all have so much for which to be thankful. In your mailbox this week, you will find a note regarding a project we hope to do for the month of December. There are gift tags located in the back and front of the church near the mailboxes. Please grab one, buy the item the gift tag states, and return wrapped to the totes labeled “Esther Guild”.…
Christmas Concert
The Heritage Voices Choir will present a concert of Christmas and other sacred songs on Friday, December 8, at 7:30 p.m. The concert will take place at Heritage Reformed Church. A collection will be taken during the concert that will be divided between the Mexico Mission and the Choir Operating Fund. Please mark your calendars and make plans to join with us!
Donations for Agua Viva Ministries
Dear church family, we are collecting much needed items for Agua Viva Ministries in Mexico. If you would like to donate Ibuprofen, Tylenol, children’s underwear and socks, toothbrushes/paste, diapers sizes 1 to 4, or multivitamins for any age, please bring them to church and place them in the orange Esther Guild box in the chapel hall. Cash, check orVenmo donations are…
Samaritan’s Purse Shoeboxes
Shoe boxes are available in the chapel narthex above the coat rack. If you would like to pack one this year, please return them by November 19. Thank you!
Thanksgiving Baskets
The Esther Guild is looking for anyone who would be willing to drop off Thanksgiving baskets the morning of November 16 around 11:00 a.m. If this is something you would be able and willing to do please contact Katelyn Carlson. Thank you so much. We are also in need of baked goods for the baskets if anyone is able to contribute to this need.
Mini Conference
The Case for Missions in a World of Need is the theme of a mini conference being hosted by Reformation Heritage Books at their 29th Street store location on October 28, 2023, from 10:00–12:00. Brooks Buser, President of Radius International will be speaking. All are heartily welcome to attend.