Posts from August 2023
Heritage Voices Choir
The Heritage Voices Choir will begin practice for the fall semester on Monday, September 11. Those with a gift for singing are encouraged to join with us. We look forward to seeing you all then, the Lord willing.
Potluck this Sunday
Small group Zones 5 and 8 hope to host a potluck lunch following the morning service this Sunday, August 27. We anticipate having guests visiting our church from the PRTS conference and would love to be able to offer them a place to have lunch with our church family. We welcome anyone else in the congregation to join us! Please bring a dish or two to share. Contact Trish…
Baked Goods Needed
GCA would appreciate your freshly made baked goods for our bake sale at the Kickoff Night on Tuesday, August 22. We welcome any and all sorts of baked goods: cookies, bars, pies, sweet breads, rolls, etc. Please bring them with you the evening of the kickoff or contact Melissa Bleeker if you need to arrange a different way of getting them there. Thank you!