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Posts from April 2024

Posts from April 2024

PRTS Graduation

You are cordially invited to the Puritan Reformed graduation service, Friday,May 3, at 7:30 p.m. We will join with family and friends at our church tocelebrate with our twenty-seven graduates as they receive their hard-earneddegrees. This year’s commencement speaker will be Rev. Bart Elshout fromthe Kalamazoo Reformed Congregation. Refreshments will follow the service.

Youth Camp

Registration for Youth Camp is now open on our church website.The themeis “Biblical Instruction for Godly Living” and will be held July 9–12, 2024. Besure to register before June 10th to receive the early bird pricing of $175. Theprice after that date is $200. Looking forward to seeing many of you there!

Annual Puritan Reformed Conference

Please join us August 22 – 24, here at the church, for the annual PuritanReformed Conference. This year’s theme is “Growing Your Own Family and theChurch Family God’s Way.” Register now at conference.prts.edu or through theconference bulletin in your mailboxes before the prices go up May 1. We havea rich roster of speakers, including Hensworth W.C. Jonas, Jonathan…

Senior Members Dinner

Our youth group is looking forward to hosting our senior members for dinnerhere at church, on Saturday, April 13. Please R.S.V.P. by April 3 if you plan onattending. If you did not receive a form, there are extras on the shelves nextto the mailboxes. Feel free to contact Brenda Kamp or TeresaKamp with any questions.