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Family Living Class

The Family Living Adult Class will commence for this season on September 22.I will teach it most of the time with a focus on family issues—and this year I promise there will be many interesting ones! Dr. Barrett will serve as first alternate when I am away, providing intriguing Bible studies, especially from the Old Testament. Periodically, a theological student may also…

Women’s Bible Study

The ladies’ Thursday morning Bible Study will begin on September 19, from9:30–11:00 a.m. Our new study will be on James, and books are available inthe library. The cost is $9.00. We would love to have you join us. All ages arewelcome. It is always a good time to be together and study a book of the Bible,as well as share prayer requests and praises. Babysitting is…

Confession of Faith/New Members Class

The Confession of Faith/New Members Class will begin on Sunday, September 15, 2024. We hope to meet after the morning service for approximately 60 minutes inone of the basement classrooms. If you are desiring membership in our church,or simply want to sit through the class (again) to learn more about the Reformedfaith, you are most welcome to attend. Please register for…

Zone Potlucks

Zone 9 will be hosting a potluck in the church basement at noon on Sunday, August 18, and Zone 5 on Sunday, August 25. All guests and visitors are warmly invited to join us. In addition, any church members who would like a place for a noon meal are welcome to join us and bring a dish to pass.

Baked Goods for GCA Kickoff

GCA would so appreciate your freshly made baked goods for the bake sale at the Kickoff on Tuesday, August 20! We welcome any and all sorts: cookies, bars, pies, sweet breads, rolls etc. Please bring them as soon as possible on the evening of the Kickoff. We will price them. Contact Beth Engelsma with questions. Thank you so much!

Thomas Manton

“Urge your soul with the necessity of the means: ‘Faith cometh by hearing,and hearing by the word of God’ (Rom. 10:17). Without grace I cannot be saved; without the word I cannot have grace. Reason thus within yourselves, that you may awaken the soul to a greater conscience of waiting upon God in the word. It is true: divine grace does all, He begets us; but remember, it…

Zone Potlucks

Zone 6 is hosting a potluck in the church basement today, and zone 7 on Sun-day, July 21. All guests and visitors are warmly invited to join us. In addition, any church members who would like a place for a noon meal are welcome tojoin us and bring a dish to pass.

Young Men’s Summit Reminder

We invite young men (ages 16–25) to attend the 2nd Young Men’s Summit taking place in Grand Rapids, Michigan from August 20th to August 22nd, 2024. This year’s theme is “Our Reasonable Service: Living the Worship-Filled Life” led by Dr. Beeke, Dr. Bilkes, Rev. Epp, and Rev. Macleod. Spots are limited so please register on www.plantsandpillars.net/event by Monday, July…

Men’s Bible Study

The Men’s Bible Study has decided to continue meeting through the summer.We invite all the men (old and young) to meet with us. We will, by the grace ofGod, begin the book, Why Christ Came by Dr. Beeke and William Boekestein.Our first study is this coming Thursday, June 27, at 7:30 p.m. in our church.We will have copies of the first four meditations available in the…

Zone Potlucks

Zone 1 will be hosting a potluck in the church basement at noon on Sunday, June 23. All guests and visitors are warmly invited to join us. In addition, any Church members who would like a place for a noon meal are welcome to join us and bring a dish to pass.