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大溪城(大急流城)圣传改革宗教会华语堂 华人基督徒团契

大溪城(大急流城)圣传改革宗教会华语堂 华人基督徒团契

Heritage Reformed Church Chinese Congregation of Grand Rapids

我们是一群愿意寻求真理、认识基 督、并且按照圣经生活的中国及各地华人基督徒。我们,大溪城(大急流城)圣传归正教会华人基督徒团契,隶属于圣传归正教会(Heritage Reformed Congregation, www.heritagereformedgr.org)。我们深信人一切问题 的根源是罪,罪唯一的解决办法是基 督耶稣,“因为世人都犯了罪,亏缺 了神的荣耀”(圣经罗马书 3:23); “因为罪的工价乃是死。惟有神的恩 赐,在我们的主基督耶稣里乃是永 生”(圣经罗马书 6:23)。我们的目标 是在圣灵的带领下,向还没有信耶稣 的华人传讲和见证基督耶稣的福音, 并且和基督徒共同建立归正的信仰、 归正的家庭、归正的教会和归正的生活。我们很愿意认识你,与你作朋 友,请随时跟我们联系。

We are a group of Christians who have a sincere desire to seek the truth, know Christ, and live according to the Bible. We belong to a bigger family, Heritage Reformed Congregation (www.heritagereformedgr.org). We strongly believe that the root of all human problems is sin and the only solution of sin is Christ Jesus, “for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23, KJV); “for the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Rom. 6:23, KJV). Our goal is, under the direction of the Holy Spirit, to share and testify the gospel of Christ Jesus among Chinese community, and to build up reformed doctrine, reformed family, reformed church, and reformed daily life among Chinese Christian community. We would like to get to know you and be your friends. Please feel free to contact us.



Our Worship and Message

We focus on the church’s highest and most sacred calling—to unashamedly preach the whole counsel of God’s Word. Our worship services stress that a right relationship with God is vital in our lives. A good relationship with others flows naturally from this. Consequently, the focus of most preaching is God Himself, together with our need to be saved in and through His Son.

联系人 Contact

Rev. Simon Yin
电话 Phone: 616-350-6349
电邮 Email: simonyin2020@outlook.com

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