Young Adults Night
The young adults are invited to Phillip and Emily’s home on Tuesday evening at 7:30 p.m. Please bring your Bibles and a snack/drink to share. We look forward to seeing you!
Sr./Jr. Youth Group’s YMCA Night
The Senior and Junior Youth Groups are invited to enjoy a night at the Mary Free Bed YMCA on Friday, February 7 from 8:00–11:00 p.m. Cost is $15 per person, due at the door (please come directly to the community room). Please bring a snack to share, water bottle, and your own towel if you want to swim. Address is 5500 Burton St. SE.
Men’s Bible Study
The Men’s monthly Bible Study hopes to meet on Thursday, January 30, at 7:30 p.m. at church. We will be studying chapter 8 in the book “Why Christ Came”. Questions are available in the church library. Hope to see you there as we come together for a time of spiritual refreshment.
Panel Discussion
The women of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary would like to warmly invite the women of local churches to join them on January 28, at 7:30 p.m. at the seminary (2917 Leonard St. NE) for a panel discussion on the subject of “Parenting Special Needs Children.” Refreshments and fellowship will follow.
Men’s & Children’s Choir
The Lord willing, the Men and Children’s choir will begin a new spring season beginning January 18. The men will start at 8:30 a.m. and the children at 10:00 a.m. New members are welcome.
Join us on Friday, January 31st, 6:00 p.m., at GCA for a potluck dinner and traditional Chinese activities including Chinese paper cutting and sugar art. Also learn how the gospel is depicted in written Chinese Characters! Please bring a hot dish to share. RSVP details to follow. For any queries,…
Boardwalk Chapel Mission Trip
Andy and Trish Gruswitz will be leading a group of 15–25 year olds and multiple chaperoning adults on a mission trip to the Boardwalk Chapel in Wildwood, NJ from June 14–21. Those involved will spend most of their time in evangelism training and evangelizing on the boardwalk. Pricing and details to follow. Call or text Trish if interested. No commitment is necessary yet,…
Heritage Voices Choir Concert
The Heritage Voices Choir will present a Christmas Concert this week Friday, December 13, at 7:30 p.m. in the sanctuary. A freewill offering will be taken to benefit the Choir Operating Fund. Admission is free of charge. The choir also has a new CD titled “Our Good Hope” which will be available for $20 each. We look forward to seeing you there.
Pre-Communion Hymn Sing
The youth group and young adults are invited for a pre-communion hymnsing at the home of Scott and Wilma VanDyke on Saturday, December 7, from7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Snacks will be provided.
Heritage Voices Choir
The Heritage Voices Choir will present a Christmas Concert on Friday,December 13, at 7:30 p.m. at Heritage Reformed Church, 540 Crescent St.NE. A freewill offering will be taken to benefit the Choir Operating Fund.Admission is free of charge. The choir has a new CD titled “Our Good Hope”which will be available for $20 each. We look forward to seeing you there.