2018 marks the 25th anniversary of the Heritage Reformed Congregation of Grand Rapids. There is a larger backstory, which you can read about here. This milestone is because of the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the King of His Church. He gathers, defends and preserves His Church through the Spirit and Word (Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 21).
Christ’s care is evident through the faithful preaching of the gospel to lost sinners. Through such preaching, He has exalted himself as a powerful and rich Savior. God has grown the church family in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. Consequently, He has stimulated growth in caring for one another as a church family. Christ is encouraging growth in reaching out to the community. The Lord has blessed the church with several generations of those who fear the Lord and seek to live for His glory in every area of life.
Therefore, pray with us that the next years would be full of spiritual renewal and yet greater blessing. Pray for the reviving work of the Spirit within our church and its surrounding community. Pray for God to be glorified in the salvation of sinners within our church and community and be glorified through the holy lives of His people.