Sermons on 1 John
The Forgiveness of Sin
Sermon Text: 1 John 1:7-2:2 Its Great Necessity Its Great Cost Its Great Benefits
如何遵行第一诫命 How to Obey the First Commandment
Sermon Text: 1 John 5:21; Exodus 20:1-3 1.) 逃避 (Avoid and flee) 2.) 祭祖问题
(The issue of the ancestor worship)
The Sinner’s Advocate in Heaven
Sermon Text: 1 John 2:1, 2; Outline: 1.) The Anomaly of Sin; 2.) The Advocate in Heaven; 3.) The Argument He Makes
Sermon Text: 1 John 2:1, 2; Outline: 1.) The Anomaly of Sin(罪的异常); 2.) The Advocate in Heaven(天堂中保); 3.) The Argument He Makes(他的论点)
Sermon Text: 1 John 4:9-10; Outline: 1.) Its definition(定义); 2.) Its demonstration(体现); 3.) Its design(设计)
The Love of God
Sermon Text: 1 John 4:9, 10; Outline: 1.) Its definition; 2.) Its demonstration; 3.) Its design
Good Works and Assurance of Faith
Sermon Text: 1 John 2:3–6; Outline: 1.) The essence of assurance; a.) We know Christ; b.) We are in Christ; c.) We abide in Christ; 2.) The evidence of assurance; a.) Obedience to God’s law; b.) Adherence to God’s Word; c.) Walking as Jesus walked; 3. The relationship of assurance and good works; a.) Good works strengthen assurance; b.) Assurance strengthens good works;…
Praying for Forgiveness
Scripture Reading: 1 John 1; Outline: 1.) With the clarity of a proper confession; 2.) With the confidence for a promised cleansing
Praying in God’s Will
Scripture Reading: 1 John 5:14-15; Outline: 1.) The Hindrances; 2.) The Assurances
Scripture Reading: 1 John 5:14-15; Outline: 1. The Hindrances(阻碍); 2. The Assurances(确据); 不能保证翻译100%准确传达讲道原意,敬请谅解。
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