Sermons on Genesis
God’s Kingdom is Coming
1. He promises it will happen 2. Nothing will stop it from happening 3. He makes it happen.
The Covenant Threatened and Rescued
Threatened through pagan contamination Threatened by Israel’s unfaithfulness Rescued by a faithful God.
Noah’s Early Thanksgiving Call on Earth
Sermon Text: Genesis 8:20 His thankful alter-building His thankful burnt offerings
We Can Trust the Lord
Sermon Text: Genesis 33 He will deliver us He will sustain us He will protect and give us rest
Sermon Text: Genesis 50:2 福音谦卑我们的心 福音赋予我们饶恕的能力 福音坚定我们的信心
Jacob’s Most Memorable Night
Sermon Text: Genesis 32:22-32 The preparation for the next day The fight until dawn The giving of new names
Children’s Continued Place in the Covenant Community
Sermon Text: Genesis 17:7 Because of our Covenant God Because of the Covenant’s Continuity Because of the Covenant’s Promise
Almost Home, but not Quite
Sermon Text: Genesis 32:1-21 Encouraging companions Threatening horizon Pleading prayer Restoring gifts
Called to Return
Sermon Text: Genesis 31 Obedience to the call Opposition to the return Protection in obedience
The Lord Keeps His Covenant Promises
Sermon Text: Genesis 30:25-31:9