Sermons on John
Jesus Lifted Up
Sermon Text: John 3:14-15
The Disciples of the Trinity
Sermon Text: John 14:1-18; 1.) They wished to know the Father 2.) They needed to know the Son 3.) They would know the Holy Spirit
The Resurrected Jesus Graciously Restores Simon
Sermon Text: John 12:15-17; Outline: 1.)His Personal Relationship with Simon 2.)His Calling of Simon
The Cross Finished
Sermon Text: John 19:30; Outline: 1.)The Work of Humiliation 2.)The Wrath of God 3.)The Way to God
Our Lord’s Prayer Life
Sermon Text: John 11:41-42, Hebrews 7:25; Outline: 1.)The circumstances 2.)The conduct 3.)The content 4.)The continuation
The Inevitable Results of Abiding in Him
Sermon Text: John 15:9-15; Outline: 1.)Everlasting Love 2.)Thankful Obedience 3.) Complete Joy 4.)Sacrificial Friendship
Sermon Text: John 15:9-15
Exhorted to Abide in Christ
Sermon Text: John 15:1-6; 1.)The benefits of abiding in Him 2.) The consequences of not abiding in Him
Sermon Text: John 21:15-17; Outline: 1.)第一、二次问 2.) 第三次问
Sermon Text: John 20:19-23, Matthew 16:13-20; Outline: 1.) 借着福音宣讲开放天国 2.)借着福音宣讲关闭天国