Sermons on Malachi
Sermon Text: Malachi 2:10-3:6; Outline: 1.) 普通關係中人的詭詐 2.) 婚姻關係中人的詭詐 3.) 恩約關係中神的信實
The Day of the Lord is Coming
Sermon text: Malachi 3:13-4:6; Outline: 1.)This day will destroy you 2.)This day will heal you
Sermon Text: Malachi 1:6-14 Outline: 1.)神的名被藐视 2.)神的祭物被污秽 3.)神的名被尊为大
Prophecies About the Coming Lord
and Judgment
Sermon Text: Malachi 2:17-3:5; Outline: 1.) The context; 2.) The prophecy about the Lord; 3.) The prophecy about the judgment
Sermon Text: Malachi 2:17 -3:5; Outline: 1.) 背景 2.) 关于主的预言 3.) 关于审判的预言