Sermons on Philemon
Ending a Delicate Letter
Sermon Text: Philemon 21–25; Outline: 1.) With an encouragement to obedience; 2.) With a request for hospitality; 3.) With a greeting from fellow-workers; 4.) With a benediction from the Lord
Sermon Text: Philemon 21–25; Outline: 1. With an encouragement to obedience(带着对顺服的鼓励); 2.) With a request for hospitality(带着对爱心的要求); 3.) With a greeting from fellow-workers(带着同工的问安); 4.) With a benediction from the Lord(带着主的祝福)
Gospel Accounting (4): Series on Philemon
Sermon Text: Philemon 18–20; Outline: 1.) The debt; 2.) The imputation; 3.) The delight
Sermon Text: Philemon 18–20; Outline: 1.) The debt(债务); 2.) The imputation(归罪); 3.) The delight(喜乐)
Building Gospel Bridges (3): Series on Philemon
Sermon Text: Philemon 12–17; Outline: 1.) By being a gospel mediator; 2.) By building a gospel partnership; 3.) By maintaining gospel perspective; 4.) By recognizing gospel equality
Sermon Text: Philemon 12–17; Outline: 1.) By being a gospel mediator(通过成为福音的中保); 2.) By building a gospel partnership(通过建立福音的伙伴); 3.) By maintaining gospel perspective(通过维系福音的角度); 4.) By recognizing gospel equality(通过认识福音的平等); 翻译可能与原意有偏差,请谅解。
An Appeal from the Heart (2): Series on Philemon
Sermon Text: Philemon 8–11; Outline: 1.) Based on love; 2.) Based on persona; 3.) Based on change
Sermon Text: Philemon 8–11; Outline: 1.) Based on love(基于爱); 2.) Based on persona(基于人物); 3.) Based on change(基于改变); 不能保证翻译100%准确传达讲道原意,敬请谅解。
Beginning a Delicate Letter (1): Series on Philemon
Sermon Text: Philemon 1–7; Outline: 1.) With the rhetoric of the gospel; 2.) With the greetings of grace; 3.) With the request for growth
Sermon Text: Philemon 1–7; Outline: 1.) With the rhetoric of the gospel(用福音的修辞); 2.) With the greetings of grace(用恩典的问安); 3.) With the request for growth(用成长的请求); 不能保证翻译100%准确传达讲道原意,敬请谅解。