Sermons on Romans
The Dominion of Grace
Its Certain Reality Its certain Response.
Sermon Text: Romans 7:7-25
Sermon Text: Romans 3:24 Its meaning Its basis Its execution Its means Its applications
Which Rules In Us, Sin or Christ through Grace
Sermon Text: Romans 5:17-21; Outline: 1.)The reign of sin leads to death 2.)The reign of Grace leads to eternal life 3.)The reign of Grace is only through Christ
Sermon Text: Romans 4:23-25
第十诫命及十诫的果子 (翻译)
Sermon Text: Romans 7:22-25; Outline: 1.) 对罪全心的憎恶 2.) 真心顺服的决心 3.) 认真寻求与基督合一
Sermon Text: Romans 8:26-27; 1.)圣灵的帮助 2.)祷告的准则
Justification for the Ungodly by Faith Alone
Sermon Text: Romans 3:28, Romans 5:6; 1.)Why justification is so important to us 2.)How ungodly sinners like us are justified 3.)How justification benefits us
Sermon Text: Romans 5:1-2; Outline: 1.)我们已经从神得到了平安 2.) 我们能进入恩典 3.)我们能接受全备的救恩
The Knowledge and Confidence of True Faith
Sermon Text: Romans 5:1-2; Outline: 1.)That we have obtained peace with God 2.)That we have access to grace 3.)That we will receive full salvation