Sermons from 2023
Alpha & Omega
Sermon Text: Revelation 1:8; Outline: 1.)The context 2.)The meaning 3.)The speaker
Sermon Text: Acts 12:1-19; Outline: 1.)殉道的雅各 — 致死忠心跟从神 2.) 安睡的彼得 — 藉着信心交托神 3.) 祷告的信徒 — 因着爱心求告神
Making Light of Christ and His Gospel Invitation
Sermon Text: Matthew 22:; Outline: 1.)What does it mean? 2.)Why is it sinful? 3.) What are its consequences?
The Most Astonishing Birth ~ EVER!
Sermon Text: Luke 2:10-11; Outline: 1.) Its Remarkable Uniqueness 2.) Its Wonderful Reasons 3.) Its Joyful Effects
From Scandal to Faith
Sermon Text: Matthew 1:18-25; Outline: 1.) The scrandral unfolds 2.) The angel appears 3.) The faithful response
Sermon Text: 1 Kings 10:23-25; 2 Samuel 23:1-7; Outline: 1.) 战胜押沙龙 2.) 重回耶路撒冷 3.) 施行审判 4.)建成圣殿 5.) 万国仰慕
Hallowing God’s Name
Sermon Text: Matthew 6:9; Outline: 1.)What: The meaning of Hallowing God’s Name 2.) So What: The importance in Hallowing God’s Name 3.) Now What: Live Lives that Hallow God’s Name
Sermon Text: Ephesians 4:17-32; Outline: 1.) 治死旧人 2.) 活出新人
Training Our Children for Godly Living (4)
The Fatherly Foundation of Authentic Prayer
Sermon Text: Matthew 6:9; Matthew 7:11; Outline: 1.)The loving Father 2.)The giving Father 3.)The Heavenly Father