Sermons from February 2023
But We See Jesus
Sermon Text: Hebrews 2:17,18; Outline: 1.) A real Human 2.) A great High Priest 3.) A sympathetic Helper
Sermon Text: Hebrews 2:17-18; Outline: 1.) 一个真实的人 2.) 一个伟大的大祭司 3.) 一个有同情心的帮助者
Sermon Text: John14:13-14; Outline: 1.)应许的背景 2.)应许的功用 3.)应许的内容
The World of the Bible
Sermon Text: Isaiah 52:13-53:12; Outline: 1.)罪人对问题的回应 2.)先知对问题的看见 3.)圣旨对问题的答案
Why Was Christ’s Beauty Disfigured?
Sermon Text: Isaiah 53:2-5, 10a; Outline: 1.) The human reaction to this question 2.) The prophetic insight upon this question 3.) The divine will answer this question
Sermon Text: Revelations 1:12-18; Outline: 1.)对人子的认识 2.)对人子的反应 3.)对人子的启示
A Vision of the Son of Man
Sermon Text: Revelation 1:12-18; Outline: 1.) A recognition of the Son of Man 2.) A reaction to the Son of Man 3.) A revelation of the Son of Man
1.)赦免的主体 2.)赦免的行为 3.)不再记念 4.)反而归算
Sermon Text: Genesis 17:1-2; Outline: 1.) 祂圣约的应许 2.) 祂圣约的规条 3.) 祂圣约的供应