Sermons from April 2023
Faith Filled Questions
Sermon Text: Genesis 15; Outline: 1.)Arising from Yahweh’s Word of Promise 2.)Addressed to Adonai Yahweh 3.) Asked in Relation to the Fulfillment of Promise 4.)Answered by Yahweh’s Words and Signs 5.)Attested to by Yahweh
Sermon Text: Genesis 15; Outline: 1.)从雅威应许的言语中发起 2.)向亚多乃雅威提出 3.)因应许成就的关系所问 4.)被雅威的话语及神迹回应
Sermon Text: Malachi 1:6-14 Outline: 1.)神的名被藐视 2.)神的祭物被污秽 3.)神的名被尊为大
Sermon Text: John 14:15-31; Outline: 1.)他的位格 2.)他的工作
The Holy Ghost
Sermon Text: John 14:15-31; Outline: 1.)His Person 2.)His Work
Christ’s Session
Sermon Text: Ephesians 1:19-23; Outline: 1.)By the Father 2.)Over all Things 3.)For the Church
Sermon Text: Ephesians 1:19-23; Outline: 1.) 在天父旁 2.) 在万有上 3.) 为了教会
Outline: 1.)原因 2.)解惑
Dealing With Anger and Bitterness (2)
The Perfect Church in Christ
Sermon Text: Colossians 2:1-4; Outline: 1.)Love one another in Christ 2.)Has a rich assurance and understanding of Christ