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Prayer Meetings

Prayer Meetings

Prayer connects sinful people with a sovereign and gracious heavenly Father for the sake of Christ His Son by the Holy Spirit. Prayer is a mark of the New Testament Church. The Book of Acts establishes this fact. The disciples met often to pray during trying times and during joyful times. Paul’s Epistles are full of counsel to pray without ceasing, to pray for those in authority, and to pray for one another in the church. Because of the Bible’s teaching and commands to pray, prayer meetings are an important part of church life at Heritage. We pray for one another, for the needs of our community, and the needs of the wider world. While many do not recognize the value of prayer, we trust that our efforts are not in vain because of the Lord who hears the needy when they cry.

  • On the first Wednesday of the month at 7:15 p.m. members meet for small-group prayer where men and women pray together in small groups.
  • On the third Wednesday of the month at 7:15 p.m. members meet for large-group prayer where the men lead in prayer.
  • Every Saturday morning at 7:30 a.m. members meet for small-group prayer where men and women pray in separate groups.
  • In addition to these stated prayer meetings, there are informal gatherings at members’ homes throughout the city for prayer.