Posts from October 2024
Men’s Bible Study
The questions for the Men’s Bible Study covering Chapter 5 “To Bear witnessto the Truth” of the book Why Christ Came are in the library. Please pick oneup. We will meet on Thursday, October 24, at 7:30 p.m. at the church.
Military Care Package
Youth group is planning on putting together care packages for our militaryfriends. If you have a loved one that is serving overseas, or they and/or theirfamilies are stateside, please let Brenda Kamp know. We would like to showthem our love and appreciation for their service.
Senior Ladies’ Tea
Dear ladies of the congregation, the Esther Guild is hosting a time of fellowshipand tea. Ladies of all ages are invited to come join us at church on October 10th,at 10:00 a.m. We look forward to fellowshiping with you!
Youth Group Amazing Race
The Amazing Race Scavenger Hunt is scheduled for this Saturday, October 5.Please meet at the school promptly by 3:00 p.m. Dinner and games will be heldat GCA after the race. Please bring $4.00 for pizza.