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Sunday School Collections

The Sunday School is once again collecting hats, mittens, and scarves to hand out to the children at our Christmas Dinner on November 28. Please leave your donations in the Sunday School tote in the library by November 25. We greatly appreciate your help!

IRBC Perinatal Mood Disorders Seminar

An IRBC Perinatal Mood Disorders (PMD) Seminar will be offered on Thursday, November 8, from 7:00-9:00 pm at the Cornerstone United Reformed Church (6442 – 36th Avenue, Hudsonville, MI). The speaker, Sarah Moelker (R.N.), has experienced severe post-partum depression, and will be discussing perinatal mood disorders, including symptoms, risks, case studies, and treatments,…

Donations for Mexico

Esther Guild will continue to collect donations for the Mexico mission for a few more weeks. Items needed: Soy baby formula, diapers any size, kids underwear (sizes 4-16) and socks, adult underwear & socks all sizes, potholders, kitchen towels, bath towels and washcloths, coffee mugs, coffee, bar soap, laundry soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, twin bed…

Prayer Pals

All ladies in the congregation are invited to join us for the next round of our secret prayer pal event. You can find the forms in the library. Please fill one out and return it to the white box by October 7. We will spend the next three months praying for our secret pal before a dessert social where we will reveal who our pal was and share how the Lord has been at work.…

Parenting Conference

Due to the overwhelmingly positive response to last spring’s Marriage Seminar, we invite you to join us again for another seminar by Dr. Paul Tripp on Parenting.  Whether you are single, newlyweds, full or empty nesters, or a grandparent, this seminar is packed with clear, biblical instruction for us to equip, guide and preserve the soul’s of our youth in…