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Posts from 2024 (Page 4)

Posts from 2024 (Page 4)

Annual Puritan Reformed Conference

Please join us August 22 – 24, here at the church, for the annual PuritanReformed Conference. This year’s theme is “Growing Your Own Family and theChurch Family God’s Way.” Register now at conference.prts.edu or through theconference bulletin in your mailboxes before the prices go up May 1. We havea rich roster of speakers, including Hensworth W.C. Jonas, Jonathan…

Senior Members Dinner

Our youth group is looking forward to hosting our senior members for dinnerhere at church, on Saturday, April 13. Please R.S.V.P. by April 3 if you plan onattending. If you did not receive a form, there are extras on the shelves nextto the mailboxes. Feel free to contact Brenda Kamp or TeresaKamp with any questions.

Gospel Trumpet Collection

Please carefully consider contributing to the Gospel Trumpet on our March 29 collection. We are a denominational committee that reaches out through printed booklets, radio ministry, and social media. Our funds are extremely low currently and in order to keep the ministry going uninterrupted additional funds are sorely needed.

GCA Auction

Please join us for the 2024 GCA Spring Auction! The online auction is Monday,March 18, at 8:00 a.m. – Wednesday, March 20, until 10:00 p.m. The live auctionwill take place in the GCA gym on Friday, March 22. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. forhors d’oeuvres and the auction will begin at 7:00 p.m. Please register to view andbid on items at our website…

A Women’s Evening

The women of Puritan Seminary invite the women of local churches to join usto hear Mary VerWys, a sidewalk counselor and friend of the unborn, speakon “The Influence of the Pro-life Church in the Community: How can theChurch speak up for those with no voice?” at Puritan Reformed TheologicalSeminary, 2965 Leonard St. NE, Grand Rapids on Tuesday, March 19, at 7:30p.m.…

Annual Free Book: Evangelical Heroes

With the help of a private donation, the consistory is pleased to be able to provide a free set of the recently released 2-volume set of Evangelical Heroes by Dr. Beeke and Douglas Bond (written for older children and teenagers—as well as adults!), covering the life story of thirty people God used significantly in church history over the last three centuries. Please use…

Young Adult Night

On February 22, at 7:00 p.m., Jeff Rogers is coming to talk with us about ourprofessional calling as Christians, exploring the myth of the sacred/seculardivide and how faith can and should impact every aspect of our lives. Pleasejoin us! If you have questions you can reach out to Philip & Emily Kamp orAaron TenElshof.

Volunteers Needed

Are you looking for a place to invest your time in Kingdom work? The Pregnancy Resource Center of Grand Rapids has an urgent need for volunteers at their Compassionate Support Services office. The needs include receptionist, assistants, sorters, and cleaners. All details including contact information can be found at www.prcforlife.org/join-us/volunteer