Announcements (Page 7)
Mini Conference
The Case for Missions in a World of Need is the theme of a mini conference being hosted by Reformation Heritage Books at their 29th Street store location on October 28, 2023, from 10:00–12:00. Brooks Buser, President of Radius International will be speaking. All are heartily welcome to attend.
Mattaniah Male Choir
The Mattaniah Male Choir from Canada will present an evening of Christian music at Heritage Reformed Church on November 10, starting at 7:30PM. They will be accompanied by Andre Knevel at the organ. Tickets are available at Grace Christian Academy and at the door.
Men’s Dinner
Dear men of the congregation (ages 14 and older), you are invited to the annual Men’s Dinner taking place on October 19, 2023 in the chapel. Supper will start around 6:00 p.m. Please R.V.S.P. with the invitation in your mailboxes by October 14, or email Katelyn Carlson. We would love to see you there.
Senior Ladies’ Tea
Dear ladies of the congregation,The Esther Guild is hosting a time of fellowship and tea. Ladies of all ages are invited to come join us at church on October 3rd at 10:00 a.m. If you need a ride, please call or text Katelyn Carlson. We look forward to fellowshipping with you.
Holy Delight
“Diligently labor, that God and holiness may be thy chief delight. And this holy delight may be the ordinary temperament of thy religion.” —Richard Baxter, A Christian Directory, in Practical Works, 2:408
Young Adults Cookout
All young adults, ages 18-30, are invited to the Dedert’s home on September 21. We are excited to share some new plans and ideas with you, and would love to hear some feedback from all of you. We will start grilling at 6:00 p.m., followed by dinner, fellowship, a group discussion on the future of the young adults group, and a short devotion. Please bring a side to share…
Always Ready Youth Conference
The Senior Youth Group will be attending the Always Ready conference put on by Ligonier Ministries in Grand Blanc, Michigan on Saturday, October 7. Come and join us for a day in which we together face the challenge of defending our faith in this world. The cost of the conference is $37.00 and includes lunch. To sign up please respond to the email invitation that was sent…
New Members Class
The Confession of Faith/New Members Class will begin on Sunday, September 24, 2023. We hope to meet after the morning service for approximately 45 minutes in the basement auditorium. If you are in your senior year of high school, in college, desiring membership in our church, or simply want to sit through the class (again) to learn more about the Reformed faith, you are…
Heritage Voices Choir
The Heritage Voices Choir will begin practice for the fall semester on Monday, September 11. Those with a gift for singing are encouraged to join with us. We look forward to seeing you all then, the Lord willing.
Potluck this Sunday
Small group Zones 5 and 8 hope to host a potluck lunch following the morning service this Sunday, August 27. We anticipate having guests visiting our church from the PRTS conference and would love to be able to offer them a place to have lunch with our church family. We welcome anyone else in the congregation to join us! Please bring a dish or two to share. Contact Trish…