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Announcements (Page 8)

Announcements (Page 8)

Resting on God

O GOD most high, most glorious,The thought of Thine infinite serenity cheers me,For I am toiling and moiling, troubled and distressed,but Thou art for ever at perfect peace.Thy designs cause Thee no fear or careof unfulfilment,they stand fast as the eternal hills.Thy power knows no bond,Thy goodness no stint.Thou bringest order out of confusion,and my defeats are Thy…

Register for the Heritage Spring Retreat

Register now!! All those 18–35 years of age are warmly invited to the Heritage Spring Retreat from Friday, May 15 through Monday, May 18, 2020 at the Maple Grove Christian Retreat Centre in Thamesford, Ontario. This year, we hope to discover more of Misery, Deliverance, and Gratitude through Encounters with Jesus in the Gospels. In addition to cabins, there are some…

Communion and Services Update

The times in which we live, call for steady trust in God’s sovereignty and goodness. The Lord is in control. What a steadying and calming reality that is in the times in which we live. Perhaps the greatest challenge facing us as Christians is that of fear, rather than disease. But we need to remind ourselves from the words of Psalm 56:3, “What time I am afraid, I will…

Sign up for the PRTS Mystery Dinner

The annual PRTS Mystery Dinner is just around the corner again! The date is set for Friday, March 20 at 6:00 p.m. You can support PRTS by hosting or by dining and donating. We welcome couples, singles, and families to join us! Also feel free to host with another family or sign up together with friends to dine. Please sign up by March 6 by emailing…

HRC 20–29 Events

We’re inviting all adults ages 20 to 29 to join the HRC 20–29 group and attend the upcoming events. The purpose of this new group is to better connect HRC 20–29s to support each other and serve others. There is more information in your church mailboxes as well as flyers by the youth group schedule near the chapel mailboxes.

Bottle Drive

Our annual baby bottle drive for the Pregnancy Resource Center has begun! Please pick up a bottle from the narthexes and fill it with coins or a check and bring it back the next week. We will be collecting funds for the whole month of February. The money we collect will help women in crisis pregnancies. Thank you, with love from the Esther Guild.

The Mercy Seat

From every stormy wind that blows,From every swelling tide of woes,There is a calm, a sure retreat;’Tis found beneath the mercy seat. There is a place where Jesus shedsThe oil of gladness on our heads;A place than all besides more sweet;It is the blood bought mercy seat. There is a scene where spirits blend,Where friend holds fellowship with friend;Though sundered far, by…

Torah Scroll Presentation on January 24

You are cordially invited to join us Friday, January 24, at 7:00 p.m., for the Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary’s Torah Scroll Dedication and Presentation. Dr. Scott Carroll, an expert in the field, whose training has focused on the ancient world, ancient manuscripts, and the history of the Bible, will give a 30 minute talk on the scroll in the seminary’s chapel and…