Announcements (Page 9)
New Year’s Day Potluck
The congregation is warmly invited to join us, in the church basement, for a potluck lunch immediately following the worship service New Year’s morning. Please bring a hot dish and a cold dish to pass. Water, coffee, and tableware will be provided.
Puritan Documentary Showing on December 6
Hats, mittens, and scarves needed!
The Sunday School will once again be collecting winter hats, gloves/mittens, and scarves. Please drop them off in the tote marked Sunday School by this Sunday, November 10. Thank you!
Registration for the Upcoming Men’s Conference
Many of you have expressed interest in attending the men’s conference on November 8-9 via the survey several weeks ago. If you have not received a registration form by email, please email or call 616-889-1051. Please fill out the registration form by October 23. Even if you did…
Craft Supplies Needed
The Esther Guild hopes to fill a children’s craft table and chair set with lots of arts and crafts supplies as a donation from our congregation to this year’s Plymouth Christian Auction. If you would like to contribute, please place your donations in the Esther Guild box by the back chapel door. We welcome stickers, glue, markers, scissors, stamps, card stock,…
Men’s Bible Study begins Thursday
This Thursday, September 26, at 7:30 p.m. the Men’s Bible Study will restart at our church at 540 Crescent Street. The book we will be studying is Christ’s Portrait of the Christian, an Exposition of the Beatitudes by Rev. Bartel Elshout. The book can be picked up in the church library or in the book store at the seminary. Men of all ages are welcome. It is a…
Register today for the PRTS Conference
It’s not too late to join Christians from around the world for the upcoming Growing in Grace conference, August 22–24, at the Prince Conference Center, located on the campus of Calvin College. Call Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary (PRTS) at (616) 977-0599 and ask to speak with Chris Hanna or Ann Dykema about special pricing. For a limited time, you may purchase one…
Sumba Mission Fundraiser on September 14
There will be a fundraiser for the Sumba Mission held at the Dave and Barb Meeuwse farm on Saturday, September 14, from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Lunch will be served and there will be many activities for children. There will also be an information session about the mission given by a member of the Sumba Mission Board from the Burgessville HRC, the Lord willing.
School Supplies Needed
The Sunday School is once again collecting school supplies to pass out to the children before school starts. If you would like to donate, many items may be found at greatly reduced prices as the Back-to-School sales begin. Please bring them to church by Sunday, July 28 and place them in a box provided in the chapel narthex. We greatly appreciate your help!
Annual church picnic scheduled for September 14
The annual church picnic is scheduled for Saturday, September 14th at 4:30 pm. Dinner will be provided. You may bring your own beverages or support our missionaries by purchasing pop, water, or juice at the picnic! There will be more details and an RSVP form in your mailbox mid-July.