Sermons on Jonah
与怜悯的神对抗 (翻译)
Sermon Text: Jonah 4; Outline: 1.) 质疑神的保守 2.) 质疑神的护理 3.) 质疑神的怜悯
God’s Mercy for Great Sinners
Sermon Text: Jonah 3:10; Outline: 1.)It Propels Proclamation 2.) It Produces Penance 3.) It Proclaims Pity
Set Apart to Pray
Sermon Text: Jonah 2; Outline: 1.) To confess one’s utter helplessness 2.) To confess one’s only hope
Sermon Text: Jonah 2; Outline: 1.) 承认人的完全无指望 2.) 承认人的唯一指望
Sermon Text: Jonah 1:3-16; 1.)上帝追寻罪人 2.) 上帝使用风暴 3.) 上帝带来救恩
The Compassionate God’s Pursuit of Sinners
Sermon Text: Jonah 1:3-16; Outline: 1.) The Sinners God Pursues 2.) The Storms God Uses 3.) The Salvation God Brings
The Caring and Compassionate God of Jonah
Sermon Text: 2 Kings 14:25-27; Jonah 1:1-3; Outline: 1.) He Sees 2.) He Sends 3.) He Speaks
Sermon Text: Jonah 1:1-3; Outline: 1.)祂看见 2.) 祂差派 3.) 祂说
Our 3 Biggest Needs
Sermon Text: Jonah 3:5, 9; Outline: 1.) Believing in God; 2.) Repenting before God; 3.) Hoping in God