Sermons on Acts
The Deadly Sin of Hypocrisy
Sermon Text: Acts 4:32-5:14
The Given Promise
Sermon Text: Acts 2:39; Outline: 1.)The Promises Origin 2.)The Promises Recipients 3.)The Promises Guarantor
A Spirit Adorned Confession
Sermon Text: Acts 2:41-47; Outline: 1.)Delights in the means of Grace 2.)Stands in reverential awe 3.)Purposefully Promotes Unity
Jesus – Name to be Called On!
Sermon Text: Acts 2:21; 1.)The great need to call on His Name 2.) The only name to call on in our need.
True Faith
Sermon Text: Acts 8:37; 1.)A certain knowledge and an assured confidence 2.) Seen in the Ethiopian Eunuch
Sermon Text: Acts 12:1-19; Outline: 1.)殉道的雅各 — 致死忠心跟从神 2.) 安睡的彼得 — 藉着信心交托神 3.) 祷告的信徒 — 因着爱心求告神
Sermon Text: Acts 9:36-43; 1.) Her life 2.) Her death 3.) Her resurrection
Should Covenantal Children be Baptized?
Sermon Text: Acts 2:39, 1 Corinthians 7:14; Outline: 1.)Understanding basic issues 2.)Additional arguments for covenantal baptism 3.)Practical applications
Watch Diligently
Sermon Text: Acts 20:28-31; Outline: 1.)The Recipients of Your Diligent Watchfulness 2.) The Grounds for your Diligent Watchfulness 3.)The Goal of Your Diligent Watchfulness
The Age of the Spirit and Revival
Sermon Text: Acts 2:33, Acts 2:41; Outline: 1.)The Spirit’s work in prior ages 2.)The Spirit’s work in the present age 3.)The Spirit’s work in revival