The Day of the LORD: A Day of Verdict
Sermon Text: Joel 3 The Unrighteous Summoned to the Lord’s Judgment The Righteous Restored under the Lord’s Blessing
The Day of the LORD: A Day of Revival
Sermon Text: Joel 2:28-32 The Hope of Revival The Warning in Revival The Invitation to Revival
The Day of the LORD: The Sure Hope of Restoration
Sermon Text: Joel 2:18-27 The blessings of restoration The response of restoration The climax of restoration
The Day of the LORD: Impending Divine Judgment
Sermon Text: Joel 2:1-17 A Coming Day An Unexpected Day An irresistible Day A Terrible Day An Escapable Day
The Day of the Lord-Divine Judgement Witnessed
Sermon Text: Joel 1:15 A day to be remembered A day to respond