Sermons on Daniel
Trusting God in Babylon
Sermon Text: Daniel 6:10
A Prayer for God’s Covenant People
Sermon Text: Daniel 9; Outline: 1.)Repentance to God 2.) Declaration of God 3.)Pleading with God
The Privatization of Our Faith
Sermon Text: Daniel 3:14–30; Outline: 1.)How privatization of faith happens 2.)Our stand against privatization in the face of pressure 3.)The consequences of not privatizing our faith
Sermon Text: Daniel 3:14-30; Outline: 1.)(信心的私人化如何发生)2.)(我们如何在压力中对抗私人化)3.)(我们如何在压力中对抗私人化)
Delivered Unto Death
Sermon Text: Daniel 3; Outline: 1.) The dilemma; 2.) The decision; 3.) The deliverance
Sermon Text: Daniel 3; Outline: 1.) The dilemma(困境); 2.) The decision(抉择); 3.) The deliverance(拯救)
The One World Kingdom
Scripture Reading: Daniel 2:19–45; Outline: 1.) The Dream; 2.) The Dispatch; 3.) The Distinction
普世王国(Concurrent Translation)
Scripture Reading: Daniel 2:44-45; Outline: 1.) The Dream(异象); 2.) The Dispatch(调遣); 3.) The Distinction(区别)