Sermons from November 2024
Noah’s Early Thanksgiving Call on Earth
Sermon Text: Genesis 8:20 His thankful alter-building His thankful burnt offerings
Blessed Communion at the Lord’s Supper
Sermon Text: 1 Corinthians 1:16 Communion Definition Communion’s Practice Communion’s Blessings
Sermon Text: 1 Samuel 14:24-46 大错的命令 大错的处治
A Too Late Thanksgiving Call to Hell
Sermon Text: Luke 16:25 Revealed in the rich man’s being called son Revealed in the rich man’s being called to remember Revealed in the rich man’s being called to think about good things received
We Can Trust the Lord
Sermon Text: Genesis 33 He will deliver us He will sustain us He will protect and give us rest
Sermon Text: Genesis 50:2 福音谦卑我们的心 福音赋予我们饶恕的能力 福音坚定我们的信心
The Day of the LORD: A Day of Verdict
Sermon Text: Joel 3 The Unrighteous Summoned to the Lord’s Judgment The Righteous Restored under the Lord’s Blessing
Who Is Great in God’s Kingdom?
Sermon Text: Mark 9:30-37 Coveting greatness Kingdom greatness Childlike greatness
Sermon Text: Luke 11:1-13; Luke 17:11-19 因着感恩上帝 因着生命的需求
The Lord’s Supper: Jesus’ Great Desire to Commune with His People
Sermon Text: Luke 22:14-20 Its Source Its Signs Its Significance
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