Sermons by Dr. Joel Beeke (Page 18)
Dr. Joel R. Beeke is president and professor of systematic theology and homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, a pastor of the Heritage Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan, editor of The Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth, editorial director of Reformation Heritage Books, president of Inheritance Publishers, and vice-president of the Dutch Reformed Translation Society. He has written and co-authored over one hundred books, edited another one hundred books, and contributed fifteen hundred articles to Reformed books, journals, periodicals, and encyclopedias. His Ph.D. is in Reformation and Post-Reformation theology from Westminster Theological Seminary. He is frequently called upon to lecture at seminaries and to speak at Reformed conferences around the world. He and his wife Mary have been blessed with three children, Calvin (Laura), Esther (James), and Lydia (Isaac), and five grandchildren.
To view his other published works, click here. sermons by Dr. Joel Beeke
Scripture Reading: Genesis 17:9-14; Outline: 1.) Its summons(它的呼召); 2.) Its symbolism(它的记号); 3.) Its supplanter(它的代替); 4.) Its support(它的帮助); 不能保证翻译100%准确传达讲道原意,敬请谅解。
Scripture Reading: Luke 12:13–34; Outline: 1.) Selfish coveting; 2.) Sincere obedience; 3.) Seeking forgiveness and perfection
Scripture Reading: Isaiah 9:2–7; 53:10–12; Outline: 1.) Father of eternity; 2.) Everlasting Father; 3.) Father forever; 4.) Father of the ages to come
Scripture Reading: Isaiah 9:1–7; Outline: 1.) A given Counselor; 2.) A listening and all-knowing Counselor; 3.) A teaching and exemplary Counselor; 4.) A sympathetic and successful Counselor
Scripture Reading: Isaiah 9:1–7; Outline: 1.) What does “Wonderful” mean?; 2.) Why do we need Him as “Wonderful”?; 3.) How is He “Wonderful”?
Scripture Reading: Rom. 5:12–21; 1 Cor. 15:45–58; Outline: 1.) The work of the Second Adam; 2.) The kingdom of the Second Adam
Scripture Reading: Mark 6:1–6; Outline: 1.) The people astonished and offended with Jesus (vv. 1–3); 2.) Jesus astonished and offended with the people (vv. 4–6)
Scripture Reading: Ephesians 5; Outline: 1.) How; 2.) Why; 3.) What
Scripture Reading: Ezra 9; Outline: 1.) A great astonishment; 2.) A penitent brokenness; 3.) A little space
Scripture Reading: Mark 5:25–34; Outline: 1.) Faith needing and coming to Jesus; 2.) Faith touching and being rewarded by Jesus; 3.) Faith being revealed and affirmed by Jesus