Sermons by Pastor Darryl Dedert (Page 2)
Rev. Darryl Dedert
Looking for God in the Wilderness
Sermon Text: Psalm 63
Jesus is Away but not Gone
Sermon Text: John 14:2
The Body of Christ
Sermon Text: 1 Corinthians 12
The Lord Keeps His Covenant Promises
Sermon Text: Genesis 30:25-31:9
Jesus Christ the Son of God
Sermon Text: Hebrews 1:1-3
Building a Perfect World
Sermon Text: Genesis 29:31-30:24; Outline: 1.)The broken pieces 2.)The complete picture
Witnessing What is Behind the Cloud
Sermon Text: Matthew 17:1-9; Outline: 1.)What was witnessed 2.)The result of being a witness
New and Better Promises
Sermon Text: Hebrews 8:6-13; Outline: 1.)Better but the same 2.)For minds and hearts 3.)For all people 4.)For the forgiveness of sins
Meeting of Promise and Sin
Sermon Text: Genesis 29:1-30; 1.)The future looks promising 2.) Sin finds you out 3.) The promise still remains
The Disciples of the Trinity
Sermon Text: John 14:1-18; 1.) They wished to know the Father 2.) They needed to know the Son 3.) They would know the Holy Spirit