Sermons on English (Page 3)
Jesus – Name to be Called On!
Sermon Text: Acts 2:21; 1.)The great need to call on His Name 2.) The only name to call on in our need.
Meeting of Promise and Sin
Sermon Text: Genesis 29:1-30; 1.)The future looks promising 2.) Sin finds you out 3.) The promise still remains
The Ascended Christ
Sermon Text: Psalm 110; Outline: 1.)Christ is King 2.)Christ is Priest
The Providence of God
Sermon Text: Genesis 50:20; Outline: 1.)What is the Providence of God? 2.)How is it seen in the life of Joseph? 3.)Why is it important for us today?
Christ’s Resurrection Appearance to 500+!
Sermon Text: 1 Corinthians 15:6; Outline: 1.) Its Circumstances 2.)Its Importance 3.)Its Lessons
National Day of Prayer: Hear Us, O God
Sermon Text: Psalm 61:1-4
Mt. Carmel: God’s Call to Wholehearted Worship
Sermon Text: 1 Kings; 18:21; 1 Kings 18:24; 1.) The Challenge Made 2.) The Answers Given (by the people and the Lord) 3.) The Question for Us
The Test of Faith
The Almighty God and Faithful Father: Worthy of our Praise
Sermon Text: Psalm 33; 1.) The Command to Praise Him 2.) The Reasons to Praise Him 3.) The Encouragements to Praise Him
Happy Are the Meek
Sermon Text: Matthew 5:5; 1.) The origin of this meekness 2.) The necessity for meekness 3.) The practice of meekness 4.) The encouragement for meekness