Sermons on English (Page 51)
Christ’s Resurrection Counseling to Women Seeking Him
Scripture Reading: Matthew 28; Outline: 1.) Their surprise in meeting an appearing Jesus; 2.) Their joy in worshipping a greeting Jesus; 3.) Their comfort in enjoying a reassuring and commissioning Jesus
What Makes the Difference?
Scripture Reading: Titus 2:1–3:15; Outline: 1.) God’s refusal of our good works; 2.) God’s revelation of His grace; 3.) God’s reordering of our good works
Made Alive with Christ
Scripture Reading: Ephesians 1:15–2:10; Outline: 1.) From death in our sins; 2.) By grace through faith; 3.) In order to sit with Christ in heavenly places
Abundant Fruitfulness Supplied: Pictures of Redemption (5)
Scripture Reading: Psalm 107; Outline: 1.) The futility of the proud; 2.) The fruitfulness of the humble; 3.) The faithfulness of the LORD
The Risen Christ Counseling Mary Magdalene’s Heart
Scripture Reading: John 20:1-18; Outline: 1.) His revelation to her heart; 2.) His conquering of her heart; 3.) His lesson for her heart; 4.) His commission to her heart
Seeing the Risen Lord in Quarantine
Scripture Reading: John 20:1-23; Outline: 1.) The seclusion; 2.) The shalom; 3.) The sight; 4.) The sending
The Proclamation of the King
Scripture Reading: Mark 11:1-11; Outline: 1.) His sovereign rule; 2.) The people’s misunderstanding
Quarantined, Forsaken, and Yet Hoping
Scripture Reading: Psalm 42; Matthew 27:36-50; Outline: 1.) The believer; 2.) The Savior; 3.) The unbeliever
Lessons from Locusts – Discerning the Lord in Times of Crisis
Scripture Reading: Joel 1; Outline: 1.) The fact of crisis; 2.) The cause of crisis; 3.) The purpose of crisis
A Prayer for Revival
Scripture Reading: Habakkuk 2:20–3:19; Outline: 1.) The recognition of God’s sovereignty; 2.) The revival of God’s people; 3.) The revelation of God’s work; 4.) The remembrance of God’s mercy