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Sermons on Mandarin (Page 34)

Sermons on Mandarin (Page 34)


Scripture Reading: Ruth 3:1-9; Outline: 1. Sought in Naomi’s instruction(在拿俄米的指示下寻找); 2. Sought by Ruth’s obedience(通过路德的顺服寻找); 3. Sought by Ruth’s request(通过路德的请求寻找); 不能保证翻译100%准确传达讲道原意,敬请谅解。


Scripture Reading: John 12:28; Outline: (1) Father, be the primacy of our prayer; (父,成为我们祷告的中心); (2) Father, grant us know Thee rightly; (父,让我们正确地认识你); (3) Father, move us to magnify Thee; (父,引导我们尊你为大); (4) Father, order our lives for Thy honor.(父,使我们的生活是为你的荣耀); 不能保证翻译100%准确传达讲道原意,敬请谅解。


Scripture Reading: Matthew 27:29; Outline: 1.) A symbol of His prophesied suffering(他被预言的受难的记号); 2.) A symbol of His priestly substitution(他祭司的替代的记号); 3.) A symbol of His kingly love(他君王的爱的记号); 不能保证翻译100%准确传达讲道原意,敬请谅解。